Sunday, July 12, 2009

May be the last one till Sweden?

Bob says we will be too rushed to write Monday or Tuesday, which will be hectic. Tomorrow we leave at 7:15, work till noon, come back, rest a bit, and go back to help Gadafi with his multiplication tables and meet with the Peace and Justice Club, which is comprised of 8- 13 or so year olds. Some have already taken photos of: "things that are happy and things that are sad in my life". We already created a tradition! At the end of each meeting we cross link arms and sing: "step by step the longest march can be done,,," it is hard not to cry. As for our babies, Ruby wanted a report on her 11, and I can say that one of hers, Veronica, is screaming less, and crying less. We will give the NLP and Ruby's 11 a special treat on Tuesday, when we will work 8-10:30..... shlep back across Namuwongo, up a hill that resembles a dusty, rutted Ridgewood,....come back tired, and be picked up at 2:00 p.m. to go to Entebbe,.....then Addis Ababa, then Rome, then Sweden. Love to all our friends from Bob and Judy

1 comment:

roz said...

Sorry to hear you were sick, but you know how crazy we are..the silver lining is you couldn't eat!!! What were your symptoms?

Sounds like this experience was just as amazing as all the others, maybe more so.

It is so much another world isn't it? Here our garden is in full bloom, we go out to the golf club and have lunch in the most beautiful pristine surroundings. You will be going to beautiful and pristine surroundings soon..

Your trip to Sweden from Entebbe sounds quite the journey. Hope it all goes smoothly and you enjoy your well deserved rest.

All is well here.

