Wednesday, July 7, 2010

tid and bits

Whew, ya gotta live with it.ya gotta ....Its been one half hour and Ive gotten this far. Here are some tids and bits: is someone sponsoring Pamela? wHO? Next: Gaby , we used your lovely Bingo cards. We had to cover the number combinations past ten, and the new concept was very hard, but i do believe Joyce will continue with this!Later. I introduced the balance with concepts of heavier, lighter, equal....moved on to equalities with bottle caps. This is for Linda shecter...they were using YOUR parquetry designs, pegboards, blocks, saved from the garbage by our present kdg teacher who knew I could use ALL. And the children were loving every minute.It gives me the shivers. At supper( yoghurt, an apple, and 3 cookies) spoke with a young Belgian girl staying with an African family, disturbed by their display of wealth. For lunch, lest you consider us deprived, we shlep on the beautiful path, as described by Bob, but then eat at an Indian restaurant, giving us a break before the rest of the hill. Hearing of your weather, i am happy to be inIUganda,where it is a balmy 30 degrees.Bob is nervous. Dark approaching.Bonsoir tout le monde! J

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