Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Rest

Today we rested like God.i.e, if He is Jewish. After an exhausting Friday where my students,tired of doing addition began to trade the counters or simply take ones from others, we today took it easy,spending our time at an African art gallery where we bought a couple of paintings. How I love African art. In the morning we bought necklaces for Canadians, Well,Moish, I can only say that my students can probably add better than you. Lets see you add 5 million,seven hundred and fifty thousand,l nine hundred and sixty-seven, five trillion sixty-five billion,nine million seven hundred thousand twenty nine in five seconds. You still haven't gotten it? And I did not even give you one of the additions my students were able to work out. Suppose you now were asked to add five and one,what would be your answer? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?



Marian said...

You both sound wonderfully happy and glad to be there. I'm sure they are more than glad to have you. You've already got one week in!!! Love, Marian

moishe said...

Well Bob , The problem with the 5 trillion was easy because my calculator can do math with up to 10 digits.However the riddle with adding five and one has me stumped.
Are you ready for another? How can one add 4 and 5 and 6 and 9 and get an answer of 2?
Hint 5 + 1 = 1/2
