Thursday, February 11, 2010


The morning began with thunder over Lake Victoria, a threat of rain that didn't materialize. The day opened to magnificent sunshine and a lovely breeze.
Although we arrived at school earlier today the children were already seated and playing with many of the new materials we have brought. I took the opportunity to visit with the class of the deaf girl in P1 who I will work with each day for a 1/2 hr. Monika class s at PE I was told and directed o the outdoor field where PE is held.
You might imagine an area equipped with jungle gyms, swing sets balls, hoops etc. AND you would be wrong!
There s a field of packed earth, children, and 2 Teachas. That's it.
Two amazing teachers leading the children in a most vigorous aerobic workout of group games, some of which resembled capture the flag and tug of war. The children laughed and ran and played and clapped. I clapped too.
After PE I tutored successfully tutored Monika., then returned to my class to dis cover it was time for PE. I couldn't believe it. So we returned to the field, to the game with the hot African sun above us. No more breeze. everybody except one of us was joyous.
You know when I was at school I had the physique of an athletic child but actually I was terrible.
And it still shows because I still hate PE!!!!
Until the next time I remain
Ellen of Africa

1 comment:

Judy May said...

Elle, your PE story is wonderful.What is the name of the deaf girl in P1. Your work sounds amazing. You must go to sleep exhausted beyond words,and at the same time filled with pleasure and pride. Have a good rest this weekend. Judy