Wednesday, April 2, 2008


The Namuwongo Literacy Project has achieved tremendous success in the short time we have been in operation. Our students are thriving in their educational enviornment. In fact, some of our students (6) have been sponsored for 'real' school. Reports from their new schools have indicated that our former students entered their new school close to the top of their grade level and continue to earn top results. Congratulations to our Ugandan teachers and dedicated volunteers! 4 of our children have moved, with their care-givers, to new homes and a better enviornment.

This has meant that upon my arrival in Uganda, we had openings for 10 new students.

Sophia, one of the women who takes part in the life-skills program at the In-Need Home and a resident of Namuwongo took me into the shantytown to the shelters/homes where she knew children lived who were not attending school. Moreover, these orphans were all in great need!

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