Sunday, April 29, 2007

Starting the Namuwongo Literacy Project BLOG

Hi everyone,
I have decided to follow-up on a suggestion and create a BLOG. In this way I can gave a site where anyone can check-in on what's been happening in relation to the Namuwongo Literacy Project. It is my intention to send out the address to this blog to everyone who has contributed to helping make this project into what we hope will be a tremendous success.
Please feel free to give out the address to this site to anyone whom you may think will be interested.
I will try and post pictures as well!
If it is possible to send along your comments, please feel free to do so.
I am still learning how to do all of this and I am sure I will get better as the weeks move have patience with me! If you have any helpful suggestions, please feel free to make them.


Deb said...

Hello Howard,
I am happy to see that we can all follow you on your adventure as you help the children in the Namuwongo literacy project.

Take care and be safe.

Sandra said...

I can't wait to see it with my own eyes!

Unknown said...

What an awesome project to be a part of, and what a role model for your grandchildren. Best of luck with everything!

Terri_Green said...

How wonderful! I looking forward to reading all about your adventures in establishing this school. I'm sure there is lots of hard work ahead, but I hope many, many children in Namuwongo are able to benefit from this project.

Terri (Romy's pal)

NatJac's Mom said...

What a great thing you are doing. I look forward to reading your blog.

All the best to you in your travels.


ClasseK151 said...

Hello Mr. Shapiro

The big day has finally arrived! It is sooooo exciting!
The students and I will check the blog everyday for some news from Namuwongo.

Take care,

La classe de Madame Gallant :o)

jacypenny said...


Glad you had a safe trip. We will give you a few days to accomodate to your "new home", but then, the children and I will have a ton of questions!

Take care,

Jacynthe :o)