Friday, July 15, 2011


We tried to explain to the children that 3 of the 4 of us would not be back. They nodded as though they understood, then said "see you tomorrow"How can we describe these kids?Bright, capable, and wanting to learn. Teddy has grown and is not as stocky a girl. Lillian, at 5, picks up everything. Hilary doesnt cry,but clutches his hanky. Moureen can be sullen.Grace is great. Our 2 newcomers just out of the slum are tall and gangly and delighted to be at school. Owori Daniel is very bright, itching to go ahead. BBC didnt show up as he had no clothes.Edmund smiles. Yasin is learning well.I will truly miss them all. We have 19 out of our 20, and I have report cards and photos for ALL of you who are sponsoring. Today I visited Gadafi at his high school. (I was a bit nervous on the boda boda and had to ask him to slow down). Gadafi is a joy to behold. We have followed him for 6 years!!! We now have a meeting with 2 Irish Phd students picked up by Gaby and carole. It may be a symbiotic, useful relationship, as they are interested in migratory patterns and need a contact, which we gave them! Im tired. We meet Hannah Grey for supper. Another visit to Kampala and the Namuwongo Project! Truly successful. You would all love these kids. To return to the Irish students: most of our kids are Acholi, from the Norh, migrating initially because of war, and now in a horrible slum..

1 comment:

ellen said...

Congratulations to you all for your courage, energies, networking abilities and commitment to try to put a bit of sanity into the horror that is the world of these children.

I'm tearing up.
