Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 1

It's not really day 1, but it's our first blog since arriving in Kampala. The trip over was long and tiring as expected but uneventful. Three of the four of us had mishaps. Judy misplaced her wallet in the airport before we ever took off and Bob came to the rescue, or so he thought, by involving airport security, almost missing the plane. The wallet was sitting under Bob's bag the whole time. Judy lost her pink (yes, very PINK) knapsack on Friday night when she pushed her trolley from the airport in Entebbe to the parking lot. She had to go back for it later and she did find it. Carole arrived at the Hotel Kenrock on Saturday afternoon in Kampala and discovered she was missing her cell phone. It has not shown up yet. Luckily Gaby's special travel inflatable pillow went missing but was discovered at the guest house in Emtebbe and as a result Gaby will be able to face the long trip back to the West. The only traveller who has been blemish free is Teacher Bob but he has been falling asleep in his soup in the evenings.
Sunday, July 3rd, Gaby, Bob and Carole made a reconnnaissance walk to St Henry's school. To their delight a little boy was who had been hanging around the school grounds spptted Bpb and came over and said very quietly "Teacher Bob!". It was Assaba Michael. Later on that evening, the whole group shared a meal and wonderful talk with David Otoa, the school bursar (accountant).
Monday morning everybody woke up with the roosters and had breakfast as the sun was rising in order to be at the school on time (8 am). There were hugs and kisses all around as Maria and David and other familiar staff welcomed the group.
Each of us will contribute our own individual blogs with our personal impressions over the next few weeks. Stay tuned and weeraba (goodbye)!


ellen said...

I can imagine how wonderful you felt when Assaba Michel recognized you. I adore that child. You have obviously done great work with him and the other children.
Continue on!

ellen formally of Africa

Doreen said...

I can see Michael's face in front of me. He is smiling as usual, hiding his true emotions. Bravo to you all for being so generous of time and spirit.I wish I were with you. Love Doreen

Howard Shapiro Judy Labow said...

I do wish I was there with you! I look forward to my next visit. Keep well, and safe!

moishe said...

Hope your return trip is somewhat less exciting than the arriving one.


Bob, you now have a passport to WFF.

Judy , You now have 10 tickets to WWF. So does Marion.

Judy , Regards from Mr Emelio.

roz said...

I cannot believe your trip..However, you are not following the Stanley Labow rule of travel..important article DO NOT LEAVE your body. You know that very recently I left my boarding pass and passport in the Ottawa Airport Washroom. I realized it moments after leaving the washroom and found the lady who sells gum and magazines holding them..I now have pants with pockets that hold everything..usually Stanley carries all of our important stuff..

PLEASE BE CAREFUL..avoid the traffic!!

All is well here..