Thursday, July 7, 2011


Two amazing things! Yesterday Carole and Gaby went with Maria into the slum to round up our numbers.Five of the 6 are already flourishing. One cries quietly most of the day....We call him BBC,but that cant be his name. Today our class went up to rehearse with the babies,but I poked my nose into Primry 1 and saw some graduates: Shamim, Charles, Mutebi, Gloria, Assaba... 8 were promoted without consulting us... we are working on that problem successfully.
But, the awful possibility seems to be that PERHAPS our beloved Peter was poisoned by an angry former teacher!The Bishop, and police came to the school yesterday to evict the teacher who was fired for incompetence 5 years ago,and living still in he teacher's residence.It is thought that h e may have poisoned Peter, gradually. (HOW) Evidently,he sometimes wanted o fight Peter,but Peter ,being big and strong and smart, always avoided conflict .OK. It isnt my turn to blog BUT, thank you for your comments. Moishe, I totally forgot about my door and thanks for the tickets. Marian,how goes it? Howard, the kids ask after you.We are happy but miss our friends. Judy


ellen said...

Holy Sh3572t!!!!!

Doreen said...

If a father can get acquitted for murdering his two children here in Quebec , then nothing surprises me. Rage and revenge and the associated acts of violence is unfortunately a universal theme. What a sad statement for man.
Thankfully there are people like you in the world to help create some balance.

moishe said...

Evelynne and I are now a two car family for about the next two weeks.