So Teacha Joyce is still home recovering from malaria. I recovered from my food difficulty but it rained-like I have never seen before- for most of the night so I woke with a migraine. I don't understand , Google says it is supposed to be dry in Uganda during February. Google lied. I decided to come to school anyways as an extra adult body surely I would be useful. Ha!!!!! Doreen and I have absolutely NO credibility with the children. We were all in Teacha Sara's class which probably numbered close to 30 children under 6. Seating space is limited so the children are sitting cheek to cheek, all the better to push, pinch, grab and do anything to make your neighbor cry. We tried to get some number work done, with the children copying from the board into their notebooks. Ha!!!!!
I don't even know how to describe the chaos other than to say the children behaved like children. Some stuff is developmentally universal. Finally we got them singing and dancing Yeh. But Sara was called to a staff meeting, the porridge was 1hr. late the children were hungry, tired and very cranky. One little girl's crying began to sound like a mantra, some were covering their ears against the din, most were running around causing trouble, I was guarding the door looking for the porridge and Doreen had fallen onto a chair.
What I found very interesting was that at one point they all sat down. Some children had brought their own snacks and had gone to their bags to get them. All those with food shared with their friends. What a wonderful sight. The peace didn't last long , but while it did it was heavenly.
I haven't lost hope yet.
Ellen of Africa
I don't even know how to describe the chaos other than to say the children behaved like children. Some stuff is developmentally universal. Finally we got them singing and dancing Yeh. But Sara was called to a staff meeting, the porridge was 1hr. late the children were hungry, tired and very cranky. One little girl's crying began to sound like a mantra, some were covering their ears against the din, most were running around causing trouble, I was guarding the door looking for the porridge and Doreen had fallen onto a chair.
What I found very interesting was that at one point they all sat down. Some children had brought their own snacks and had gone to their bags to get them. All those with food shared with their friends. What a wonderful sight. The peace didn't last long , but while it did it was heavenly.
I haven't lost hope yet.
Ellen of Africa
"Ellen of Africa" has a certain caché! Remember......"the sun will come out tomorrow......tomorrow...."
I am glad to hear that you are feeling somewhat better.
You wont ever lose hope. the description of those poor kids sharing, warms the heart. we can see what a job Leave Out violence has at the school.!! Keep up the great work, even if it doesnt feel great at a given moment.Is the kindness tree being used in our TNP classroom? You will need to make new leaves for the new kids, and once in awhile, when you see someone acting peacably,or acting kindly, put the leaf with the kid's name on it ,on to the tree, with great admiration and ceremony.... Judy
You get gold star for commitment and courage. May your headaches disappear and your spirits soar.
Ed Wugalter
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