Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Day 2 at school. Daniel was away sick. Actually we were greeted by his illness when he vomited twice yesterday morning. Poor little guy. So there were only 5 children-4 boys and 1 girl-and three teachers. Great ratio. I find the children to be quite advanced in their academic level. The learning is mainly by rote, which seems to give the children a good feeling of security. Not to mention how well they are learning.

The teacher is one of the most creative,energetic,warm and intelligent pre-primary teachers I have ever seen. A dynamo.

Today we brought more supplies with us.I brought Play Doh. Wow what a perfect response. Everyone loved it. We had to limit Teacha Joyce to the amount she used. She was so creative. The children got so much inspiration form her pleasure that they moved from their usual shy positions to joyfulness and they laughed.

ellen of Africa


Howard Shapiro Judy Labow said...

It is amazing what a little bit of Play Dough can do for a group of children......especially those who have seen such a thing before! The children are truly benefiting from your involvement. I do look forward to all these posts!

Unknown said...

Hi Ellen,
I can't imagine how you're feeling and what it must be like to be instantly welcomed and working full-out on your first day. Take lots of photos. Remember everything!
love, Marni

bobfeinstein said...

Reading your blog makes me so happy. I have no doubt that all of you will benefit from your contacts. Bob Feinstein