To everyone who has been checking, I do apologize for not being able to write an entry in the BLOG since last week. Everytime I tried, and began, either the power would go out, or the internet connection failed. It was frustrating! Believe it or not, I am writing this entry from an internet cafe in Paris! (Paris is beautiful, by the way.....and what a culture shock!..... and the keyboard is different).
It is with mixed emotions that I write this,my last entry in my BLOG. Saying good-bye to Uganda, the teachers, and of course the children was very difficult. I leave Namuwongo a very different person. I have learned so much and have developed a new appreciation for .......... life.
I know this project has made a difference here. The program does not, and will not end with my departure. Thanks to all the donations we have received to date, as well as the phenomenal amount of school supplies all the participating schools donated, school will continue for the forseeable future.
Teams of volunteer teachers will be working in Namuwongo every month, up to, and including the Month of September. I can assure them all that this will be an experience that they will never forget!
For those of you who are wondering, I did get to go on SAFARI last week thanks to the help of the Minister of Tourism of Uganda. He heard of my disapointment from the mayor of Kampala (it helps to have friends in high places), and arranged a safari to the Queen Elizabeth Park, with my own personal driver and park guide. YES........I saw tons (literally) of HIPPOS! In fact, one was grazing right out-side my suite's door at 11:00 p.m. (they feed at night); they certainally are massive creatures! I also saw a leopard, wart-hogs, a black, spitting cobra, elephants, all kinds of antelopes, spotted hyenays, striped badger, water buffalo, long horned steer, and many different types of beautiful birds.
I am now in Paris for 3 days, London for 2.......and I will be home on Thursday, the 14th.
Thank you everyone who supported this project via your moral support and/or your donations. Since I have received many emails inquiring how individuals can support the Namuwongo Literacy Project, please free to make a donation by cheque or cash payable to/ McGill University; the subject line on the bottom should read: Namuwongo Literqcy Project G.F.I.C./Howard Shapiro - 5676 Merrimac Rd, Cote St Luc, Quebec, Canada; H4W 1S6; Tax receipts will be issued.
Thank-you everyone for following this BLOG!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
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Howard, you have made such a difference in the lives of those children. Your work is truly inspiring.
Bonjour M.Shapiro,
Nous sommes le 10 août 2007 et je tente de vous joindre concernant Mme Sandra Barbadoro.
Mon cellulaire est le 514-813-6402
J'aimerais aussi parler à Judy Labow si vous pouvez nous mettre en contact.
Merci beaucoup
Au plaisir
Marilou Séguin
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