Today was the day we were dreading since we got here - the day we had to say goodbye to the NLP kids. We wanted it to be a special day fr them, so we started out with giving them some peanut butter on their morning chapati snack :) Can't even describe how cute it was to see Winnie beaming with peanut butter all over her face! Friday's curriculum had a bit of a twist in it because we wanted them to have a really fun time with both Group A & B combined. We started out with sharing songs and boy were they really giving everything they had!.. After about 5 rounds of music, storytime began. We did our best to entertain and then it was tie to review what we had taught the children since our arrival one month ago. We were so impressed as they reflected on the different themes - Simon the Elephant, The Life Stages of a Butterfly, Different ways to name and express emotions and Animals native to Uganda. Their knowledge and efforts made us so proud.
Later after the break we had a special edition of PE (just because it was so much fun the last time, we couldn't resist!). The kids danced and played games in a circle and then we introduced them to hopscotch relays. We drew out 6 boards on the concrete and had them race in teams of 5. It was group A vs B, girls vs boys, no holds barred! Before we knew it, it was time for a delicious meal of posho and split peas. Afterwards, tired and full, they a lay down for a nap. When the break ended, it was time to start our goodbyes. The children went first, thanking us for coming, for reading them stories, and for teaching them songs. Some also raised their hands and told us they loved us, asked us to come back again, and to greet Teachas Howard, Tania, Judy, and Bob for them. We promised we'd pass it along. We held back our tears as the teachers said a few words, and then it was left to us to tell the kids how much they meant to us. It's a wonder that the waterworks didn't begin right then and there! We told them how happy we were to have made 30 new friends in Uganda, and although we can't say when, we promised we will back. Hopefully, by then we will be visiting most of them at school!
We had 2 final surprises for the kids before the end of the day: each was given two items of clothing, and a bag of food (rice and beans) for them to take home and share with their families. Many of them wear the same ripped, stained, and over sized or too small clothes every single day so you can imagine how excited they were at the sight of their new threads. :) It was also really important to us to give them something that wasn't just for them, but for their families as well. They went totally silent as we distributed the bags of food, and then to proceeded to carry them on their heads. Very cute. After some closing prayers, lead by Annet Fiona and Winnie,we walked them down the road one last time and said our final goodbyes.
We miss the kids already, and are getting ready to leave Africa with the knowledge that they have taught us more than we could ever teach them in a month's time. We will never forget them, and we look forward to our return to Uganda!
Love from Uganda,
Kavita & Ruby
--- Judy, we forgot to mention that Headmaster Peter told us that Gadafi hasn't missed a day of school since your visit. Phew!